- Language and Expression.
by Tony Weston
What is language, how does it work, are batteries required…testing 12 12,..24. Recently our little town suffered another terrible turn that was inevitable, good things don’t seem to last for …
- Social Amnesia
by Tony Weston
- Where to look ?
by Tony Weston
- ..from the hill.
by Tony Weston
- Coordinated efforts.
by Tony Weston
- Citizen report 27/3/’24
by Tony Weston
- Contagion Myth with Dr Thomas Cowan
by Tony Weston
- heels of Hermes
by Tony Weston
https://constitutionwatch.com.au/ https://constitutionwatch.com.au/category/oath-of-allegiance/ http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/num_act/hra2019148/s58.html
- How was Sunday for you..
by Tony Weston
in the mean time money is spent on these projects.. And on Wall St. And things not in mainstream chit-chat..the upside of Shrooms, mushrooms.
- Correct(ed) data !
by Tony Weston
..So what are the facts and fallacies of a changing climate Pt1 Facts and fallicies climate shite Pt2 Facts and fells climate lies Pt3 Fatcs and fells climate shite page …
- Whitney Web Bitcoin Prediction
by Tony Weston
- Climate Change is assisting evolution.
by Tony Weston
Based on what evidence one asks. Well, glad one asked, without evidence a claim can not be proven, the burden of proof, specifically, ei qui dicit, non ei qui negatthe, …
- Awkward dance steps.
by Tony Weston
- confusion of longing vs belonging.
by Tony Weston
- What to expect !
by Tony Weston
- digital id
by Tony Weston
- It’s only mysterious when knowledge is ignored. (The lazy jurno).
by Tony Weston
What was that word for people whom choose the comfort of a lie rather then cold shoulder of truth.
- Should one be concerned, ..yep.
by Tony Weston
- Sharin’s carin’
by Tony Weston
- Almost self sustaining.
by Tony Weston
- The World Of Yesterday
by Tony Weston
- Never ceases to amaze, humanity.
by Tony Weston
- -Europa
by Tony Weston
- Is this apple too shiney !
by Tony Weston
How about one start a monologue, guess one would follow up with a topic, there’s a toughie. What about a term, how about abundant, it’s a good word, one knows …
- Pyramid of power – Wireless
by Tony Weston
- A quick search for information on tribal Lore.
by Tony Weston
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurdaitcha https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/article/sa-man-faces-traditional-aboriginal-spearing-as-punishment/7rck0lr9x https://www.smh.com.au/national/man-speared-and-arrested-in-tribal-punishment-case-20040324-gdill6.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-11-07/first-indigenous-independent-lore-enforcement-program-begins-in-/100597674 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-04/lore-enforcement-western-nsw-peoples-council/100649076 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/04/indigenous-australians-are-controlled-by-the-criminal-system-under-the-guise-of-protection https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-ancient-traditions/kurdaitcha-0011637 While we are arguing, our resources and food supplies are disappearing and it’s happening by design. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desert_Fathers
- ..diesel hybrid fire.
by Tony Weston
- What really happened to the monetary system.
by Tony Weston
what is Antisemitism anyway !
- ..democracy for two.
by Tony Weston
The Great Pause, ..at least that what seems to be happening. Eventually, one does ponder or at least wonder if others ponder why things suddenly became expensive, social elitism is …
- Crown land and Occupation of dwellings !
by Tony Weston